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2023 Nuremberg Toy fair,theworld’slargesttradefairforthetoyindustryfinallystartsagain.WecomebacktheSpielwarenmessin2023.Weareallreallylookingforwardtoseeingyouagain!Don'tmissUncleBubble.2023 Nuremberg Toy fairmore -
The most bubbles blown from a single wand dip is 1152 bubbles.
The most bubbles blown from a single wand dip is 1152 bubbles.more -
The longest hanging bubble chain is 30 bubbles.
The longest hanging bubble chain is 30 bubbles.more -
The most soap bubbles domes created inside one another is 15 domes.
The most soap bubbles domes created inside one another is 15 domes.more -
The most soap bubbles of a soap bubble is 195 times.
The most soap bubbles of a soap bubble is 195 times.more -
The most soap bubbles successfully blown inside a larger soap bubble is 152 bubbles.
The most soap bubbles successfully blown inside a larger soap bubble is 152 bubbles.more